Congratulations on achieving this 10/15/20/25 anniversary with us! We know you have worked hard for this accomplishment and we truly appreciate your dedication. Loyal and dedicated employees like you are the foundation to any successful company. Thank you for your contribution to our success! Seniority Reward Name Year Of Service Rohayati Binti Jaafar 10 Loh […]
Total 12 persons are awarded with seniority award for attaining service of 10, 20 and 30 years. This is an appreciation for their loyalty services towards the company. Seniority Reward Name – SP Year Of Service Yeoh Siew Choo 10 Yeoh Siew Choo 10 Moh Zulkefli Bin Abdullah 10 Juhaieddey Yohanes 10 Juhaieddey Yohanes 10 […]
Total 37 persons are awarded with seniority award for attaining service of 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 years. This is an appreciation for their loyalty services towards the company. Seniority Reward Name – SP Year Of Service Parimala A/P Periasamy 10 Teoh Mooi Lee 10 Khor Seok Eng 10 Govindarajoo A/L Sinnasamy 10 Lim […]