Contribution to Persatuan Seni Jahitan Kreatif Malaysia (PSJKM)

LogoPersatuan Seni Jahitan Kreatif Malaysia (PSJKM) is a nonprofit organization (NGO) established on 28 May 2007.

The NGO’s main objective is to provide a platform to share and exchange skills and expertise among members. As an NGO, PSJKM carries out a variety of social activities, especially in the field of art and sewing.

It aims to help Person with Disability (PWD) and single mothers from marginalized communities through a creative sewing learning course and opportunity to start own business through the sales of self-crafted handcrafts and products at a Handmade Market.

This will help to improve lives of PWDs and single mothers and encourage them to be active members of the society.

In supporting the organization, USG have generously contributed in kind for helping them to achieve their aims.


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