Mar 14
A Drop of Blood, Can Save a Live
In collaborating with Blood Bank from Hospital Sultan Abdul Halim, Sg. Petani, Kedah and ESH Committee of USGSP lead by the Chairman Ms Law Hwa Imm has successfully organized a blood donation campaign at USGSP plant in contributing additional 80 pints of blood to Hospital’s blood bank out of total 108 register donor.
The Blood Donation Campaign is held on 7th March 2014 from 9.00am to 2.00pm. The objectives of the program is to let the USGSP employees understand and raise the awareness of the importance of the blood donation.
With the slogan ‘A Drop of Blood, Can save A Life’ has encouraged a lot of employees to joint in the event to donate their blood. Blood donation not only can save a patient’s life but also can help the donor improve his / her body metabolism.